Journal Tips
Reserve writing in it for special occasions.
Allow this journal to be dedicated solely to helping preserve the story of God’s goodness in your life! Ecclesiastes talks about how there is a time for everything under the sun. Likewise, I believe there is a space for everything under the sun. There’s a space for writing about your favorite recipes and a separate space for writing about your miraculous God moments!
Start new traditions.
As soon as you finish writing in it, read it together with your family.
Make it a point to intentionally read through it as a family on a date(s) you set. For example, before every Thanksgiving meal or at the end of the year, it would be good to read through the journal and remind yourselves of the things the Lord’s done!
When the time comes, pass it down to the next generation.
Make this a memorable moment. The act of passing down the journal is a beautiful way you ensure that the miracles and stories of God’s goodness in your family are not lost with you but will be told to generations that follow.
If you have more than one child, then we encourage you to purchase multiple journals. This legacy is worth the time you’ll invest, even if it means writing down the same story multiple times. We give lots of time investing in things that have only earthly value. We challenge you to begin investing in something of heavenly value.
If you’re able to, ask your parents or grandparents to write in it.
If you were blessed with a family who follows Christ, take advantage of it! Chances are they’ve experienced or have seen God come through for them or even for their family when they were younger.
As you take the time to ask your parents/grandparents about this, it might open new perspectives in how you view them and give you a new appreciation for the things they’ve lived through.
Write it down soon and include as many details as you can.
Have you ever tried to recall something that happened a week ago, but it slipped your mind? Chances are the longer you wait to write something down, the more details you’ll forget about it. When God does something, write it down ASAP. It’s another way of stewarding our memories.
Write out the details. Remember, you’re not just writing for yourself. You’re writing for future generations. Bring them into the moment with you and help them see and feel what you did at that moment.
We would love to hear from you!
We are a small company just starting, so if you come up with a journal tip or idea that has worked for you please share it. We would love to pass it on to others as well.
If the Lord has done something incredible in your life, we would love to hear about it! Just send us an email and let us know if you’d be willing for us to share with others as well. We believe there is power in our testimony.
Please help us spread the word about the Remember Journal. We genuinely believe this has the potential to be life-changing for this generation.